Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Understanding Media Industries 9th November 2009 - Homework

Banned Games



In 2002, the Greek government banned all electronic games in public places in an attempt to fight illegal gambling. See Greek electronic game ban. In 2002 the Greek government, ostensibly in an attempt to fight illegal gambling, passed the ambiguous and controversial law 3037/2002 which effectively banned all electronic games in public places. The bill was formulated after a member of the ruling Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK) political party was videotaped in an illegal gambling establishment, resulting in public hysteria that was fueled by sensationalist reporting in the press. The bill was declared a law on July 30, 2002.

During a case against some Internet café owners who allowed their customers to play online chess and other games, a local court in Thessaloniki declared the law unconstitutional [1]. More than 300 people were gathered outside the court in support of the Internet café owners.

The law would affect both Greek citizens and foreigners.

Currently, this law has been suspended, being deemed unconstitutional.

United Kingdom


There is currently no legislation in force, owing to a legislative mistake in 1984. It was revealed that the 1984 Act is actually unenforceable, meaning retailers that are caught selling adult games or movies to children face no legal penalty. The loophole arose because the Home Office failed to notify the European Commission of the existence of the Act in 1984. The mistake was not spotted on two subsequent occasions, in 1993 and 1994.

It is anticipated that the system described below will continue on a voluntary basis, and the legal structure enacted in November 2009.

Games in the UK only usually receive a ban when they contain extreme and gratuitous violence; sex and nudity are not the main concern. Games are refused classification (RC) by the BBFC. It is illegal to sell (although not illegal to buy and play) a game that has not been classified by the BBFC in the UK. This only applies to games stored on physical media, not to downloadable media.[40]

Carmageddon and Manhunt 2 are among the games that have been refused classification by the BBFC. Both bans were later overturned; Manhunt 2 was allowed classification after edits.



No games have been banned in Canada. However, there has been controversy surrounding the game industry and certain games, much like the controversy in the United States. Games such as Manhunt and Soldier of Fortune have been given "Restricted" film ratings, thereby preventing them from being purchased by any person under the age of eighteen in Ontario and British Columbia respectively, and under the age of seventeen in Québec.[10][11][12][13][14] As in the United States, games receiving an "Adults Only" rating from the ESRB have been edited for re-classification.